Hello MCCG plotholders and friends,
Autumn is on the way (although you wouldn’t believe it with this heatwave!) and we have a seasonal busy bee coming up next Sunday 4 March.
This year we’re limiting the Busy Bees to only four a year, with some impromptu get-togethers thrown in – like the recent twilight gardening sessions during the week over summer. So if you haven’t been to a Busy Bee for a while, this will be a perfect opportunity to get your hands dirty and help knock off a few jobs around the garden while chatting to your fellow gardeners and neighbours about what you might do for your winter plantings.
As always, there will be something for everyone, and you’re welcome to pop in for a bit or stay on longer.
Tasks include:
* Compost mixing
* Mowing the verge
* Whipper snipper boundary edges
* Shed clear out
* Levelling of tank area
Time is 9.30am until midday, bring a nibbly to share for morning tea if you’re so inclined.
See you down at the garden, corner Donald and Harrison Streets, Brunswick East.
Happy gardening,
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