Author: admin
Plot Allocation Day – This Saturday!
If you’re lucky enough to have been allocated a plot then this Saturday is for you! Come on down from 10am to help spread the top soil and mark out the plots, then join in the lucky dip at 1pm to see which plot you get! We’ll put on a BBQ and drinks, but help…
Busy bee, this Sunday!
A reminder that our next busy bee will be held this Sunday, not Saturday; we’ve decided to rotate weekend days for those of you who work or have other weekend duties on Saturdays. So this is your chance to get down and dirty on the site! We’re working on final plot allocations now, so if…
Busy bee was busy!
A great day was had by all today. We installed the tank, built a shed, dug trenches, moved the fence line, weeded galore, and lots lots more! Here’s some pics to show off our progress: [miniflickr photoset_id=”72157624805676907″ ]
We have a tank!
Despite heavy rain and very boggy soil we managed to get the tank delivered and it’s not sitting next to where it needs to go. We just need to wheelbarrow the gravel from across the road to fill the base in… who’s keen to help this Saturday morning?
Plot applications extended until 15th September.
Just a quick note to say we’ve extended the deadline for plot applications for 2 weeks. The closing date is now Wednesday 15th September. Apply for a plot today!
Busy Bee @ MCCG
Busy Bee @ MCCG
Things to do: Dig 1m from fence to inside of tank base for timber frame Prepare perimeter indigenous garden beds Trench needs to dug for pipes 100-150cm wide, approx 250 mm deep (this trench runs along the garden bed perimeter. Finish garden bed edging and mow grassy paths, then lay mulch on paths (75-100mm deep)…
Eachy Peachy Pudding and Pie!
Oh what a night! A ‘WOW” of a time was had by all who attended our Garden Party Fundraiser at Each Peach café on August 14. Three eras of garden party were emulated. One room was set in the theme of a 1930s earthy soiree; another as a 50s outdoor-diner; and another as a 70s…
Plot applications are now open!
Apply for a plot today! Don’t miss out. Applications close September 1st 2010.
A hard day’s work
Heaps of progress was made in the garden at the busy bee today. Check out this gallery of pics to see what went on!